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"Christianity and LGBTQ" Class

Daren Mehl presents: Christianity and LGBTQ: A Comprehensive Review: Understanding the Truth and the Lies; Finding Freedom; Enduring Transformation; Ministry of Reconciliation for those trapped in LGBTQ

It is reported that 39% of Gen Z and 30% of Gen Z Christians identify as LGBTQ. For the average believer, it is incredibly hard to grasp what is happening when it comes to LGBTQ. Simply knowing homosexuality is a sin is not enough. Daren Mehl will be sharing important and comprehensive information regarding understanding and ministering in the LGBTQ space. He will be bringing forward the needed truths to combat the culture drift away from Biblical faithfulness. The first week Daren will be sharing his encouraging testimony of leaving the gay life, getting married to his wife, and finding ensuring freedom in Jesus Christ. Each following week he will cover the top most sought after discussions regarding the truth and lies related to LGBTQ.

Questions answered include:
• What are the predominant four LGBTQ doctrines and which ones are Biblical?
• What is our position as a church? What is the spiritual battle in the church related to these doctrines?
• How can we be faithful to the Lord and love those trapped in the LGBTQ community?
• How do we preserve a Biblical identity in our family and children?
• Do we affirm their identity in LGBTQ or lead them out of it, and is that love or not?
• How do we pray for our prodigals?
• Are there causes to homosexuality? Will seeking Jesus for healing result in depression and suicide?
• What is the history of how we arrived at a culture that embraces LGBTQ as a core identity?
• What is love? What does God say?
• Does the LGBTQ lobby threaten our rights as believers? What can we do about it?
• What does the science say? Are people born gay? Can people change or be healed? Is the brain fixed or can it change? Do desires change?
• How does pornography play into the issue?

There are many more questions that will be discussed and answered during the classes. Daren will help you to love those who identify as LGBTQ boldly, equip you with Biblical truth regarding God's good design for human sexuality and gender, and encourage you to stand for the transforming power of Jesus.

Starting September 11, at 9 AM (Room 114) and repeating at 11 AM (Room 112/113), Daren will be teaching for 30 minutes and then open the class to 15 minutes of dialog to discuss what was covered. If you cannot make the 9 AM, come to 11 AM! The class will be repeated. We know that the Holy Spirit guides us in truth, so join us as we seek the truth together regarding this very complex issue.

Attendees will receive helpful handouts each week which document the critical truths covered and direct them to further home study on the topics. Daren will be available throughout the week for individual pastoral care and counseling in this area as well. You can schedule a call with him.

Class Outline:

Week 1 - Testimony of Transformation - How a gay identified man married a queer woman and God healed him from homosexuality. The powerful testimony of the transforming power of God's grace through faith in Jesus Christ and a Biblical identity in Jesus Christ. A discussion of desire and identity, sanctification, and the enduring power of Grace.

Week 2 - Same Sex Attraction (SSA) and the Brain - Same sex attraction is very often an attachment problem, a detachment from God and others, and so the person is often only informed by trauma in their isolation. Many times we find ourselves disconnected from God and others, isolated, left on islands of anger, despair, disgust, fear, shame, and sadness. However, our brains are wired for joy! Returning to joy happens in a secure relationship with Jesus. Intimacy with Christ leads to truth, freedom, and healing. We will discuss this spiritual truth which is supported by scripture and is a common thread in the testimonies of those who have come out of LGBTQ and found enduring transformation.

Week 3 - LGBTQ and Parenting - How do parents respond to a child who "comes out?" How do family members respond? Learn how to stand in truth and navigate what it means to love our children and family well in truth and faithfulness to Jesus. What is the definition of love? What is the design of family and what are the roles for father and mother? What is biblical identity and how do we preserve it for our children? Daren will pass out copies of the parents guide and discuss other resources that will be helpful.

Week 4 - Beliefs related to LGBTQ fall into 4 major religious doctrines which have matured over decades and generations. We will cover the EFCA position first. We will then review the most common doctrines surrounding the LGBTQ issue and how to identify where the person is and how to move them toward Jesus and the truth.

Week 5 - Continuing discussion on LGBTQ religious doctrines and turning to the the Bible for answers. Equipping believers to identify and respond to false doctrines by knowing the truth. Learn how LGBTQ religious beliefs are backed up by their "science" and how is it all manipulated. We will discuss the definition of love, review holiness, righteousness, grace, desire, transformation, and enduring faith. We will cover how living in the spirit different is than living in the flesh. What hope does someone trapped in LGBTQ (sin) but wants to leave have in Jesus?

Week 6 - LGBTQ Living Loud- What are the cultural ramifications of embracing LGBTQ for decades? How has the LGBTQ have weaponized their religious beliefs with the help of popular culture including politics (law), news media, education, science, and entertainment. What are the threats to the church, the family, parents, women, and children and how can we boldly and courageously respond as Christians. Where is the safety and victory for our children? What are the most effective ways Christians can be influential in their communities, being the salt and light in the LGBTQ space? How do we protect our children? How can we minister to other families, individuals, and children?

[Class curriculum subject to change based on needs of attendees and church leadership.]

Later Event: September 12
Seniors Retreat at Camp Lebanon