Care Ministries

"Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen."

Ephesians 3:20

Care Ministries

  • Faith Community Nurses are professional nurses who are called and committed to the health of the individuals in our church. The nurse helps meet the emotional, physical, and spiritual needs by intertwining health care with faith and prayer. We offer general health assessments, support groups, health education and referrals to health care providers and community resources. If you have questions or concerns, please send an email.

  • Do you need someone to come alongside you on your faith journey and help with the issues you’re facing? We have a care-oriented group of people called “Trusted Friends” who can help, listen, and pray with you one-on-one. Contact the Church Office if interested: 763-391-6140 or EMAIL.

  • “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” James 1:27

    Are you a widow in need? Need someone to talk to? Need help around the house? Need something else? Join us the second Tuesday of the month at 4 PM in Room 107 at Church for encouragement and support. Details Here.

    Questions? Contact the Church Office at 763-391-6140.


    Group focused on encouragement for those living with chronic illness.

    Lead by Laree Huff and Mary Van Der Werf

    2nd and 4th Tuesday // 2 PM // Meets Year-Round // West Foyer


    Group focused on those who have lost a loved one.

    Spring 2025 Session: Saturdays, 2 PM


  • “Freedom in Christ” Ministries offers personal prayer appointments if you are struggling in any of these areas:

    • Afflicted with the effects of sin in your life and/or the consequences of sin committed against you which can show itself in anger, bitterness, habitual sinful patterns, pride, rebellion and unforgiveness.

    • Brokenhearted because of painful life experiences…resulting in depression, fear, anxiety and damaged and broken relationships.

    • Imprisoned who are trapped in habits and addictions that they are incapable of escaping or overcoming them on their own.

    • Plagued and tormented by tempting, accusing, deceiving, condemning thoughts whereby there is no mental peace of mind.  

    All these areas of conflict and struggle often hinder a person’s ability to mature, serve and enjoy God’s abundant life.  There is real hope to resolve these hindrances in our lives, and that hope is found in Jesus Christ.

    For more information, contact Pastor Al Schirmacher or call 763-391-6140, Ext 128.

    To schedule a prayer appointment using the “Steps to Freedom,” you can begin the process by downloading, printing and completing the Confidential Personal History (CPH), and returning to Revive Church.

    If you have questions about the overall ministry, contact “Freedom in Christ” Ministry Coordinator Donna Hoshor.

  • Celebrate Recovery is a ministry for people who want to grow and be free from ungodly and unhealthy methods for dealing with issues in life. Celebrate Recovery exists to encourage and celebrate God’s healing power in our lives as we work our way along the road to recovery. It is a Biblical and balanced program that helps us overcome our hurts, hang-ups, and habits. It is based on the actual words of Jesus rather than psychological theory. The program uses "8 Recovery Principles" that show the loving power of Jesus Christ through the recovery process. Celebrate Recovery is now in over 20,000 churches worldwide!

    NOTE: At this time, we are not running the Celebrate Recovery program. To find a group in your area, go to

Want to know more?

Have questions about Care Ministries or just want to get involved and meet others? Email our pastor to learn more and discover how you can get involved today!

Al Schirmacher
Care Ministries Pastor