What are our key ministries that will help you grow spiritually?  People who regularly attend a weekend worship, Adult Bible Fellowships and Home Groups get “Grounded in Christ” by attending Alpha Sunday Nights; then they participate in a closed accountability “Growth Group” (Growing in Christ); as they continue in an ongoing “Growth Group” they also serve on a ministry team (Going for Christ); while mature believes also embrace opportunities to lead and guide others in ministries of discipleship and service (Guiding for Christ).

We are a community of people in the process of becoming more like Jesus Christ. He is our treasure, our hope for life and lasting joy. We come from varied life experiences and, together, strive to make His Name known to the world. We do this by living out His values, displaying His character, and serving others for the glory of God. It’s simple, at our church we desire to be…

“Grounded in Christ, Growing in Christ and Going for Christ.”

Maybe you are attending a Home Group, Sunday Worship, an Adult Bible Fellowship, Celebrate Recovery or found a place to volunteer, but we invite you now to take the next step in your spiritual journey.
Grounded in Christ
In this phase you will explore with others who Jesus is and what He did for you on the Cross. You’ll begin to see that God is for you and not against you, that He desires to have a relationship with you through His Son. You’ll have opportunities to receive His gift of new life, learn foundational truths of the Gospel and learn how to share your spiritual story with others.

Ministry Pathway: “Sunday Nights”
Alpha… Freedom… Bible Overview… Contagious Christian…
Growing in Christ
Continuing your journey of growing in Him involves a close circle of Christian friends. Your life begins to transform as you encourage one another to develop basic Christian habits, tell others about Jesus and discover how God has wired you for serving.

Ministry Pathway – “Growth Groups”
– Discipleship Essentials…How to Study the Bible… 1 Corinthians… Don’t Waste Your Life…
Going for Christ
As a follower of Christ you partner with others in striving to make Jesus Christ known to the world. This involves maintaining a rock-solid commitment to Jesus and expanding your knowledge, character and Christian habits as you use your gifts in service or leadership.

Ministry Pathway: “Serving Team”
involvement, disciple-making leadership, and in-depth Growth Group Bible Studies
What are Serving Teams?
These are the core of how we work together. Some teams focus on disciple-making leadership in mid-sized or small groups for children, youth or adults. Others serve in a variety of ministries such as choir, ushers, greeters, children’s ministry helpers, community outreach, short-term missions and work trips, etc.