As Christians, our mission to the world is rooted in the Character of God, and what we do flows from understanding the heart of God. Simply put, World Missions is the heart of God, and we are involved in World Missions because God is. In a nutshell, World Missions is God’s desire of seeing sinful man reconciled to Him and the nations of the world won to Christ, and it is the theme of the bible from Genesis to Revelation.

The “Great commission” of Jesus Christ and the purpose of the Church found in Matthew 28:18-20 is to make Disciples, World disciples. It should be the outpouring of every ministry of the church and Acts 1:8 gives us the where, in our community, in our state and nation and to the ends of the earth.

This is an exciting time to be involved in Missions at BPEFC! Not only is God using BPEFC right here in Brooklyn Park, but we are also involved and committed to the Great Commission by partnering with local indigenous churches of Jesus Christ in many areas globally!

We define missions as: Any endeavor outside the local congregation to fulfill the Great Commission of Christ by proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ, making disciples, and ministering to the totality of human needs: spiritual, emotional, and physical.

With our purpose as: That the lost might be saved, disciples might be made, and local indigenous churches might be established so that the Church can reproduce itself. (Matthew 28:16-20 / Mark 16:15-18)